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pessoais:paulojus:mbgbook:errata [2010/05/21 10:01]
pessoais:paulojus:mbgbook:errata [2010/05/21 10:02] (atual)
Linha 14: Linha 14:
   - p. 224: Rue & Held (2005): //Gaussan// --> Gaussian   - p. 224: Rue & Held (2005): //Gaussan// --> Gaussian
   - Chapter 5, legend for Figure 5.11: "for <​latex>​\lambda</​latex>"​ to be removed from the last sentence which should read:   - Chapter 5, legend for Figure 5.11: "for <​latex>​\lambda</​latex>"​ to be removed from the last sentence which should read:
-The two horizontal lines on each plot define approximate 90\% and 95\% percent confidence intervals, based on the asymptotic  +Figure 5.11: Swiss rainfall data. Profile ... . The two horizontal lines on each plot define approximate 90\% and 95\% percent confidence intervals, based on the asymptotic  
-<​latex>​$\frac{1}{2}\chi_2$</​latex>​-distribution of the log-likelihood ratio+<​latex>​$\frac{1}{2}\chi^2$</​latex>​-distribution of the log-likelihood ratio

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