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LEG Papers and Companions

LEG Papers and Companions

On line supplements for papers and other publications

LEG's Paper Companions Pages

  1. Petterle, R. R.; Laureano, H. A.; Silva, G. P.; Bonat, W. H. Multivariate generalized linear mixed models

for continuous bounded outcomes: Analyzing the body fat percentage data]]. Submitted (2021).

  1. Freitas, L. A. C.; Taconeli, C. A.; Silva, J. L. P.; Tamioso, P. R.; Molento, C. F. M. A Case study on animal behavior analysis using GAMLSS. Submitted (2020).
  2. Petterle, R. R. et. al. Unit gamma mixed models for continuous bounded data. Submitted (2020).
  3. Kokonendji, C. C.; Bonat W. H. ; Abid, R. Tweedie regression models and its geometric sums. Submitted (2019).
  4. Taconeli, C. A.; Bonat W. H. On the performance of estimation methods under ranked set sampling. Submitted (2019).
  5. Petterle, R. R.; Bonat, W. H.; Scarpin, C. T; Jonasson, T. H.; Borba, V. Z. C. Multivariate quasi-beta regression models for continuous bounded data. Submitted (2019).
  6. Petterle, R. R.; Bonat, W. H.; Scarpin, C. T Quasi-beta longitudinal regression model applied to water quality index data. Submitted (2019).
  7. Petterle, R. R.; Bonat, W. H.; Kokonendji, C. C; Seganfredo, J. C.; Moraes, A.; Gomes-da-Silva, M. M. Double Poisson-Tweedie regression models. Submitted (2019).
  8. Bonat, W. H.; Petterle, R. R.; Balbinot, P.; Mansur, A. E. C.; Graf, R. M. Modeling multiple outcomes in longitudinal studies: Comparing aesthetic eyelid surgery techniques. Submitted (2019).
  9. Ribeiro Jr, E. E.; Zeviani, W. M.; Bonat, W. H.; Demétrio, C. G. B.; Hinde, J. Reparametrization of COM-Poisson Regression Models with Applications in the Analysis of Experimental Count Data. Submitted (2018).
  10. Bonat, W. H.; Petterle, R. R.; Hinde, J.; Demétrio, C. G. B. Flexible quasi-beta regression models for continuous bounded data. Statistical Modelling (2018).
  11. Bonat, W. H.; Jørgensen ,B.; Kokonendji, C. C.; Hinde, J.; Demétrio, C. G. B.Extended Poisson-Tweedie: properties and regression models for count data. Statistical Modelling (2017).
  12. Andersen, D. A.; Bonat, W. H. Double Generalized Linear Compound Poisson models to Insurance Claims Data. Electronical Journal of Applied Statistics (2017).
  13. Bonat, W. H.; Kokonendji, C. C. Flexible Tweedie regression model for continuous data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation (2017).
  14. Bonat, W. H.; Oliveiro, J.; Grande-Vega, M.; Farfán, M. A.; Fa, J. Modelling the covariance structure in marginal multivariate count models: Hunting in Bioko Island. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics.
  15. Petterle, R. R.; Freitas, C. A.; Furtado, A. M.; Carvalho, F. H.; Bonat, W. H. Comparação e aplicação de modelos de regressão binária na retenção de capacetes de motociclistas. Biometrical Brazilian Journal.
  16. Bonat, W. H. Modelling mixed outcomes in additive genetic models. The International Journal of Biostatistics (2017).
  17. Martins, A. B. T. ; Bonat, W. H. ; Ribeiro Jr, P. J. Likelihood analysis for a class of spatial geostatistical compositional model. Spatial Statistics, v.17, p.121-130.
  18. Bonat, W.H. and Ribeiro Jr. P. J. Practical likelihood analysis for spatial generalized linear mixed models. Environmetrics, v.27, n.2, p.83-89.
  19. Bonat, W.H. ; Lopes, J. E.; Shimakura, S. E.; Ribeiro Jr, P.J. Likelihood analysis for a class of simplex mixed models. Chilean Journal of Statistics (to appear, submitted).
  20. Bonat, W.H. ; Jørgensen ,B. Multivariate Covariance Generalized Linear Models. published (Journal of Royal Statistical Society Series C, v.65, n.5, p.649-675.
  21. Bonat, W.H. ; Ribeiro Jr, P.J. ; Zeviani, W.M. Likelihood analysis for a class of beta mixed models. (Journal of Applied Statistics, v.42, n.2, p.252-266, 2015).
  22. Bonat, W.H. ; Ribeiro Jr, P.J. ; Shimakura, S. E. Bayesian analysis for a class of beta mixed models. (Chilean Journal of Statistics, v.6, n.1, p.1-11, 2015).
  23. Zeviani, W.M.; Ribeiro Jr, P.J.; Bonat, W.H.; SHIMAKURA, S.E.; MUNIZ, J.A. The Gamma-count distribution in the analysis of experimental underdispersed data. (Journal of Applied Statistics, v.42, n.12, p.2616-2626, 2014).
  24. Bonat, W.H. ; Ribeiro Jr, P.J. ; Zeviani, W.M. Regression models with response on the unit interval: specification, estimation and comparison (Rev. Bras. Biom., São Paulo, v.30, n.4, p.415-431, 2012) (versão em português também disponível).
  25. Nesi, C.N.; Shimakura, S.E.; Ribeiro Jr, P.J.; May de Mio, L.L. Survival analysis in plant pathology. IDESIA 31(2) Supplementary Material .
  26. Nesi, C.N. et al. Heterogeneity of a peach rust progress curve within the tree canopy. Supplementary Material .
  27. Martins, A.B.T. Análise geoestatística de dados composicionais Códigos de análise.
  28. Fonseca, B.H.F. Um estudo sobre estimação e predição em modelos geoestatísticos bivariados. Dissertação de Mestrado, ESALQ/USP.
  29. Bognola, I. A., Ribeiro Júnior, P. J., Silva, E. A. A., Lingnau, C., Higa, A. R. MODELAGEM UNI E BIVARIADA DA VARIABILIDADE ESPACIAL DE RENDIMENTO DE Pinus taeda L. FLORESTA, 2008.
  30. Bonat, W., Dallazzuana, H.S., Ribeiro Jr, P.J., Monteiro, A.M.V. RDengue. Geoinfo 2008.

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