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A Case study on animal behavior analysis using GAMLSS

A Case study on animal behavior analysis using GAMLSS

  • Title: A Case study on animal behavior analysis using GAMLSS
  • Authors: Lineu A. C. de Freitas, Cesar A. Taconeli, José L. P. da Silva, Priscilla R. Tamioso, Carla F. M. Molento
  • Journal: To appear
  • Status: Submitted


  • Status: Submitted

[2020, article]
Freitas L. A. C.; Taconeli, S. T. M. C. A. ;. . J. L. P. ;. . P. R. ;. . C. F. M. (2020). A Case study on animal behavior analysis using GAMLSS. to appear.

Data sets


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