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Tabela de conteúdos

Materiais do curso

Materiais do curso

Course materials

Course Slides CSV data files R scripts
PDF slides CSV files R scripts
Slides powerpoint

Other materials

  1. ASOR package


In the following $ is the LINUX prompt and > is the R prompt

  1. Open a terminal window where you can type LINUX commands
  2. create a working directory called Rmodelling for the course and get into the directory:
    $ mkdir Rmodelling
    $ cd Rmodelling
  3. download the zipped files above (csv.zip, scripts.zip, slides.zip) copying them to the working directory
  4. unzip the files with the following commands:
    Rcourse$ unzip csv.zip 
    Rcourse$ unzip scripts.zip 
    Rcourse$ unzip slides.zip
  5. copy two files from the CSV directory to the working directory

QR Code
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