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Effective Statistical Modelling with R
Short Courses presented by Bill Venables at LEG/UFPR and DEST/UFMG
Course details
- Dates:
- 11-13/09/2007 (Tuesday to Thursday) - LEG/UFPR
- 24-25/09/2007 (DEST/UFMG)
- Local
- UFPR: LEG e LM (Laboratório Multiterminal), Centro Politécnico, UFPR, Curitiba PR
- UFMG: To Be Confirmed
- Timetable: 9:00–12:30, 14:00–17:30
- Language: the course will be presented in english
- Course description: The 'effective' part is meant to suggest effective modelling strategies along with effective use of R
- Approximated timetable:
- First day: Linear models, robustness, model selection, diagnostics (+graphics on the fly)
- Second day and a half: GLMs GAMs, nonlinear, random effects versions: LMEs, GLMEs, NLMEs,
- Final half-day: Weird science: Trees, bagging, randomForests, intro to Neural Networks.
Other information
- Registration:
- UFPR: email to
paulojus AT leg.ufpr.br
(click for details)
- Inscritos no curso do LEG/UFPR (internal access only)
- Special Acknowledgments: Clarice Demétrio
Course Materials & Instructions
Course materials: slides, code scripts and others. See also the instructions for usage of the materials during the course.
- Book web page: Modern Applied Statistics with S
- Book web page: S Programming