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software:geor [2006/12/29 14:47]
paulojus criada
software:geor [2008/10/24 15:07] (atual)
Linha 1: Linha 1:
-===== Página web do projeto ​===== +===== Team ===== 
-[[http://​www.leg.ufpr.br/​geoR|Página web da geoR]]+[[pessoais:paulojus|PJ]] and Peter J. Diggle
 +===== Summary =====
-===== Possíble bugs to be checked ​=====+===== To Do List===== 
 +  - option for computing and use geodesic distance in geoR functions (e.g.to allow arc distance calculations from lat/long coordinates)
 +===== Possible bugs to be checked =====
 +  - check examples provided by Ana and Lucília returning positive log-likelihoods
 +  - //by Ole FC (2007-03-07)//:​
-===== ToDo List =====+In ''​hist.krige.bayes()''​ there is a call to hist with the options prob=FALSE and plot=FALSE. This gives a warning. Illustration:​ 
 +<code R>​hist(rnorm(16),​prob=FALSE, plot=FALSE)</​code>​
 +===== Suggestions for geoR =====
 +===== Publications =====
 +  author ​      = {Paulo J. {Ribeiro, Jr} and Peter J. Diggle},
 +  title  ​      = {{geoR}: A Package for Geostatistical Analysis},
 +  journal ​     = {R News},
 +  year        = 2001,
 +  volume ​      = 1,
 +  number ​      = 2,
 +  pages  ​      = {14--18},
 +  month  ​      = {June},
 +  url        = {http://​CRAN.R-project.org/​doc/​Rnews/​},​
 +  pdf        = {http://​CRAN.R-project.org/​doc/​Rnews/​Rnews_2001-2.pdf}
 +  author ​      = {Ole F. Christensen and Paulo J. Ribeiro},
 +  title  ​      = {geoRglm: A Package for Generalised Linear Spatial
 +                  Models},
 +  journal ​     = {R News},
 +  year        = 2002,
 +  volume ​      = 2,
 +  number ​      = 2,
 +  pages  ​      = {26--28},
 +  month  ​      = {June},
 +  url        = {http://​CRAN.R-project.org/​doc/​Rnews/​},​
 +  pdf        = {http://​CRAN.R-project.org/​doc/​Rnews/​Rnews_2001-2.pdf}
 ===== geoR related scripts ===== ===== geoR related scripts =====
Linha 14: Linha 53:
 ===== Vignettes ===== ===== Vignettes =====
 +===== Statistics =====
 +<a href="​http://​www4.clustrmaps.com/​counter/​maps.php?​url=http://​www.leg.ufpr.br/​geoR"​ id="​clustrMapsLink"><​img src="​http://​www4.clustrmaps.com/​counter/​index2.php?​url=http://​www.leg.ufpr.br/​geoR"​ style="​border:​0px;"​ alt="​Locations of visitors to this page" title="​Locations of visitors to this page" id="​clustrMapsImg"​ onerror="​this.onerror=null;​ this.src='​http://​www2.clustrmaps.com/​images/​clustrmaps-back-soon.jpg';​ document.getElementById('​clustrMapsLink'​).href='​http://​www2.clustrmaps.com';"​ />
 +===== Links =====
 +  - [[http://​www.leg.ufpr.br/​geoR|geoR web page]]
 +  - [[http://​www.r-project.org|R project web page]]
 +  - [[http://​cran.at.r-project.org/​src/​contrib/​Views/​Spatial.html|R Spatial]] task view and R-SIG-Geo resources

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