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Reproducible Research
In this page we show how to create a minimal report using R + Latex + Markdown Resources. Lets create a minimal report from few R commands :
# loaddata data(iris) # summarydata summary(iris) # boxplot boxplot(iris[,1]~iris[,5]) # table table(iris[,5])
We can embbed those commands into a simple LaTeX file according to the example below :
\documentclass{article} \title{Introduction to Reproducible Research in R} \author{Bioinformatics Meeting} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Introduction} This document contains a minimal example of reproducible research using R. \section{Loading Data} <<loaddata>>= # loading data set data(iris) @ \section{Summary of Data} <<summarydata>>= # summary of the data set summary(iris) @ \section{A Box Plot} <<results='hide',boxplot,fig.show='hide'>>= # building a box plot boxplot(iris$Sepal.Length~iris$Species) @ \includegraphics{figure/boxplot.pdf} \section{A Table} <<table,results='asis'>>= # loading xtable package require(xtable) # creating a table tab<-table(iris$Species) # buiding a table with all data print(xtable(tab)) @ \section{Aditional Tips} <<>>= # let it commented # purl("report.rnw") # system("pandoc -s report.tex -o report.docx") @ \end{document}