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projetos:dengue:bill [2007/09/16 18:08]
projetos:dengue:bill [2007/09/16 18:24] (atual)
Linha 1: Linha 1:
-===== Modelling ===== 
-Just Engenho do Meio+===== DATA =====
-==== DATA ==== 
-Fixed covariates {{projetos:​dengue:​bill:​covs.txt|Fixed covariates Engenho do Meio}} +==== Eggs counts and Environment ​covs ====
-  * "​trap"​ - id +
-  * "​x"​ "​y"​ - spatial coords +
-  * "​npeople"​ - number of people living in each house +
-  * "​pltv"​ - plants in vases +
-  * "​ljst"​ - roof nor covered (Laje) +
-  * "​calh"​ - roof drainage +
-  * "​bignocover"​ - big water reservoires,​ not covered +
-  * "​garbage"​ - periodicity of garbage colletion+
-Eggs counts and Environment covs 
   * "​eggs":​ egg counts for all sites. We can focus on the site EM for starting. And only the total Aedes aegipti counts ("​NRO_AEDES_AEGYPTI"​)   * "​eggs":​ egg counts for all sites. We can focus on the site EM for starting. And only the total Aedes aegipti counts ("​NRO_AEDES_AEGYPTI"​)
Linha 31: Linha 20:
-  * R-object with all{{projetos:​dengue:​bill:​dengue.RData|}}+==== R-object with all ==== 
 +==== Fixed covariates ====
 +{{projetos:​dengue:​bill:​covs.txt|Fixed covariates Engenho do Meio}}
 +  * "​trap"​ - id
 +  * "​x"​ "​y"​ - spatial coords
 +  * "​npeople"​ - number of people living in each house
 +  * "​pltv"​ - plants in vases
 +  * "​ljst"​ - roof not covered (Laje)
 +  * "​calh"​ - roof drainage
 +  * "​bignocover"​ - big water reservoires,​ not covered
 +  * "​garbage"​ - periodicity of garbage colletion

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