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-====== ​Página WIKI de José Cláudio Faria ======+====== José Cláudio Faria ======
-{{pessoais:​i_in_the_beach_2007.png|125X210}}+{{  pessoais:​i_in_the_beach_2007.png}}
-Na Praia do Sul de Ilhéus/Bahia (janeiro de 2007refletindo profundamente sobre o R!!!+Eu na Praia do Sul de Ilhéus/BA, em janeiro de 2007refletindo profundamente sobre estatística computacional e o R!!! 
 +Brincadeiras a parte... 
 +**1. Quem sou** 
 +- Engenheiro Agrônomo 
 +- Mestrado e Doutorado em Produção Vegetal pela Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV/MG 
 +- Pós-doc em estatística e experimentação agronômica (ESALQ) 
 +**2. O que tenho feito profissionalmente** 
 +- Professor de estatística e pesquisador da Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC/BA; 
 +- Tenho estado desenvolvendo algumas soluções computacionais voltadas para o ambiente R: 
 +  - Editores: 
 +    - Tinn-R ([[http://​sourceforge.net/​projects/​tinn-r/​]]) 
 +    - Vim-R-plugin ([[http://​www.vim.org/​scripts/​script.php?​script_id=2628]]) 
 +  - Pacotes: 
 +    - bpca ([[http://​cran.r-project.org/​web/​packages/​bpca/​index.html]]) 
 +    - TinnR ([[http://​cran.r-project.org/​web/​packages/​TinnR/​index.html]]) 
 +    - fdth ([[http://​cran.r-project.org/​web/​packages/​fdth/​index.html]]) 
 +    - ScottKnott ([[http://​cran.r-project.org/​web/​packages/​ScottKnott/​index.html]]) 
 +    - TukeyC ([[http://​cran.r-project.org/​web/​packages/​TukeyC/​index.html]]) 
 +**3. Sobre o R** 
 +- Gostaria de tê-lo encontrado desde o início de minha carreira na área de estatística computacional! 
 +**4. Sobre o futuro** 
 +- Desejo aprofundar os conhecimentos em análise multivariada de dados no ambiente R; 
 +- Trocar experiências com pessoas e equipes envolvidas nestas áreas.
 ===== Tinn-R ===== ===== Tinn-R =====
Linha 21: Linha 57:
 ==== Scripts ==== ==== Scripts ====
 +Todos os usuários estão automaticamente convidados a darem sugestões e alterarem contrutivamente todas as funções e scripts desta página. Solicito a gentileza de me enviar um [[joseclaudio.faria@terra.com.br | email]] comunicando as alterações.
 === Introdução ao R === === Introdução ao R ===
Linha 559: Linha 597:
 } }
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +==== Funções úteis ====
 +=== Superfície de resposta ===
 +== Função plotlm3d ==
 +The simple, power and very flexible function **plotlm3d** enables you to plot 3d points and/or surfaces obtained from linear methods. It was adapted from scatter3d [[http://​socserv.socsci.mcmaster.ca/​jfox/​Misc/​Rcmdr/​index.html | Rcmdr package]] of John Fox and some [[ http://​www.stat.wisc.edu/​~deepayan | Deepayan Sarkar]] ideas.
 +It requires the **rgl** package that you can download from [[http://​cran.r-project.org|CRAN]].
 +# Name           : plotlm3d
 +# Original author: John Fox (scatter3d from package Rcmdr)
 +# Changes ​       : Jose Claudio Faria and Duncan Murdoch
 +# Date (dd/mm/yy): 12/8/06 19:44:37
 +# Version ​       : v18
 +# Aim            : To plot 3d scatter, an or, surfaces with rgl package
 +# Arguments:
 +# x                 ​variable for horizontal axis.
 +# y                 ​variable for out-of-screen axis.
 +# z                 ​variable for vertical axis (response).
 +# surface ​          plot surface(s) (TRUE or FALSE).
 +# model             one or more linear model to fit ('z ~ x + y' is the default).
 +# groups ​           if NULL (the default), no groups are defined; if a factor,
 +#                   a different surface or set of surfaces is plotted for each
 +#                   level of the factor; in this event, the colours in plane.col
 +#                   are used successively for the points and surfaces.
 +# model.by.group ​   if TRUE the function will adjust one model for each level
 +#                   of groups; the order of the models must be the same of the
 +#                   level of the.
 +# model.summary ​    print summary or summaries of the model(s) fit (TRUE or FALSE).
 +# simple.axes ​      ​whether to draw sinple axes (TRUE or FALSE).
 +# box               ​whether to draw a box (TRUE or FALSE).
 +# xlab,           
 +# ylab,           
 +# zlab              axis labels.
 +# surface.col ​      ​vector of colours for regression planes, used in the order
 +#                   ​specified by fit.
 +# point.col ​        ​colour of points.
 +# grid.col ​         colour of grid lines on the regression surface(s).
 +# grid             plot grid lines on the regression surface(s) (TRUE or FALSE).
 +# grid.lines ​       number of lines (default, 26) forming the grid, in each of
 +#                   the x and z directions.
 +# sphere.factor ​    ​relative size factor of spheres representing points; the
 +#                   ​default size is dependent on the scale of observations.
 +# threshold ​        if the actual size of the spheres is less than the threshold,
 +#                   ​points are plotted instead.
 +# speed             ​revolutions of the plot per second.
 +# revolutions ​      ​number of full revolutions of the display.
 +plotlm3d <- function (x, y, z,
 +                      surface ​       = T,
 +                      model          = 'z ~ x + y',
 +                      groups ​        = NULL,
 +                      model.by.group = F,
 +                      model.summary ​ = F,
 +                      simple.axes ​   = T,
 +                      box            = F,
 +                      xlab           = deparse(substitute(x)),​
 +                      ylab           = deparse(substitute(y)),​
 +                      zlab           = deparse(substitute(z)),​
 +                      surface.col ​   = c('​blue',​ '​orange',​ '​red',​ '​green',​
 +                                         '​magenta',​ '​cyan',​ '​yellow',​ '​gray',​ '​brown'​),​
 +                      point.col ​     = '​yellow',​
 +                      grid.col ​      = material3d("​color"​),​
 +                      grid           = T,
 +                      grid.lines ​    = 26,
 +                      sphere.factor ​ = 1,
 +                      threshold ​     = 0.01,
 +                      speed          = 0.5,
 +                      revolutions ​   = 0)
 +  require(rgl)
 +  require(mgcv)
 +  summaries <- list()
 +  if ((!is.null(groups)) && model.by.group)
 +    if (!nlevels(groups) == length(model))
 +      stop('​Model number is different of the number of groups'​)
 +  if ((!is.null(groups)) && (nlevels(groups) > length(surface.col)))
 +    stop('​Number of groups exceeds number of colors'​)
 +  if ((!is.null(groups)) && (!is.factor(groups)))
 +    stop('​groups variable must be a factor.'​)
 +  xlab; ylab; zlab
 +  valid <- if (is.null(groups))
 +    complete.cases(x,​ y, z)
 +  else
 +    complete.cases(x,​ y, z, groups)
 +  x <- x[valid]
 +  y <- y[valid]
 +  z <- z[valid]
 +  ​
 +  if (!is.null(groups))
 +    groups <- groups[valid]
 +  levs <- levels(groups)
 +  size <- max(c(x,​y,​z))/​100 * sphere.factor
 +  if (is.null(groups)) {
 +    if (size > threshold)
 +      spheres3d(x,​ y, z, color = point.col, radius = size)
 +    else
 +      points3d(x, y, z, color = point.col)
 +  }
 +  else {
 +    if (size > threshold)
 +      spheres3d(x,​ y, z, color = surface.col[as.numeric(groups)],​ radius = size)
 +    else
 +      points3d(x, y, z, color = surface.col[as.numeric(groups)])
 +  }
 +  aspect3d(c(1,​ 1, 1))
 +  if (surface) {
 +    xvals <- seq(min(x), max(x), length = grid.lines)
 +    yvals <- seq(min(y), max(y), length = grid.lines)
 +    ​
 +    dat  <- expand.grid(x = xvals, y = yvals)
 +    for (i in 1:​length(model)) {
 +      if (is.null(groups)) {
 +        mod <- lm(formula(model[i]))
 +        if (model.summary)
 +          summaries[[model[i]]] <- summary(mod)
 +        zhat <- matrix(predict(mod,​ newdata = dat), grid.lines, grid.lines)
 +        surface3d(xvals,​ yvals, zhat, color = surface.col[i],​ alpha = 0.5, lit = F)
 +        if (grid)
 +          surface3d(xvals,​ yvals, zhat, color = grid.col, alpha = 0.5,
 +            lit = F, front = '​lines',​ back = '​lines'​)
 +      }
 +      else { # groups is not NULL
 +        if (!model.by.group) {
 +          for (j in 1:​length(levs)) {
 +            mod <- lm(formula(model[i]),​ subset = (groups == levs[j]))
 +            if (model.summary)
 +              summaries[[paste(model[i],​ '​.',​ levs[j], sep = ''​)]] <- summary(mod)
 +            zhat <- matrix(predict(mod,​ newdata = dat), grid.lines, grid.lines)
 +            surface3d(xvals,​ yvals, zhat, color = surface.col[j],​ alpha = 0.5, lit = F)
 +            if (grid)
 +             ​surface3d(xvals,​ yvals, zhat, color = grid.col, alpha = 0.5,
 +                lit = F, front = '​lines',​ back = '​lines'​)
 +            texts3d(min(x),​ min(y), predict(mod,​ newdata = data.frame(x = min(x), y = min(y),
 +              groups = levs[j])), paste(levs[j],​ ' '), adj = 1, color = surface.col[j])
 +          }
 +        }
 +        else { # model.by.group is TRUE
 +          mod <- lm(formula(model[i]),​ subset = (groups == levs[i]))
 +          if (model.summary)
 +            summaries[[paste(model[i],​ '​.',​ levs[i], sep = ''​)]] <- summary(mod)
 +          zhat <- matrix(predict(mod,​ newdata = dat), grid.lines, grid.lines)
 +          surface3d(xvals,​ yvals, zhat, color = surface.col[i],​ alpha = 0.5, lit = F)
 +          if (grid)
 +            surface3d(xvals,​ yvals, zhat, color = grid.col, alpha = 0.5,
 +              lit = F, front = '​lines',​ back = '​lines'​)
 +          texts3d(min(x),​ min(y), predict(mod,​ newdata = data.frame(x = min(x), y = min(y),
 +            groups = levs[i])), paste(levs[i],​ ' '), adj = 1, color = surface.col[i])
 +        }
 +      }
 +    }
 +  }
 +  if(simple.axes) {
 +    axes3d(c('​x',​ '​y',​ '​z'​))
 +    title3d(xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, zlab = zlab)
 +  }
 +  else
 +    decorate3d(xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, zlab = zlab, box = box)
 +  if (revolutions > 0) {
 +    start <- proc.time()[3]
 +    startMatrix <- par3d("​userMatrix"​)
 +    while ((theta <- speed*(proc.time()[3] - start))/​2/​pi < revolutions) {
 +      rgl.viewpoint(userMatrix = rotate3d(startMatrix,​ theta, 0, 0, 1))
 +    }
 +  }
 +  if (model.summary)
 +    return(summaries)
 +  else
 +    return(invisible(NULL))
 +== Usando a função plotlm3d ==
 +# Name           : Script to test plotlm3d
 +# Author ​        : Jose Claudio Faria and Duncan Murdoch
 +# Date (dd/mm/yy): 2012/07/01
 +# Version ​       : v18
 +# Aim            : To plot 3d scatter, an or, surfaces with rgl package
 +# mtrace(plotlm3d)
 +# mtrace.off
 +# Example 1
 +rgl.bringtotop(stay = T)
 +with(iris, plotlm3d(Sepal.Length,​ Sepal.Width,​ Petal.Length,​
 +                    surface ​      = F,
 +                    groups ​       = Species,
 +                    xlab          = '​SL',​
 +                    ylab          = '​SW',​
 +                    zlab          = '​PL',​
 +                    grid          = F,
 +                    sphere.factor = 1))
 +# Example 2
 +rgl.bringtotop(stay = T)
 +with(iris, plotlm3d(Sepal.Length,​Sepal.Width,​ Petal.Length,​
 +                    model         = c('z ~ x + y',
 +                                      'z ~ x + y + I(x^2) + I(y^2) + I(x*y)'​),​
 +                    surface ​      = T,
 +                    groups ​       = Species,
 +                    simple.axes ​  = F,
 +                    box           = T,
 +                    xlab          = '​SL',​
 +                    ylab          = '​SW',​
 +                    zlab          = '​PL',​
 +                    grid          = F,
 +                    sphere.factor = 1))
 +# Example 3
 +rgl.bringtotop(stay = T)
 +with(iris, plotlm3d(Sepal.Length,​Sepal.Width,​ Petal.Length,​
 +                    model         = c('z ~ x + y',
 +                                      'z ~ x + y + I(x^2) + I(y^2) + I(x*y)'​),​
 +                    surface ​      = T,
 +                    xlab          = '​SL',​
 +                    ylab          = '​SW',​
 +                    zlab          = '​PL',​
 +                    grid          = F,
 +                    sphere.factor = 1))
 + # Example 4
 + ​open3d()
 + ​rgl.bringtotop(stay = T)
 + ​with(iris,​ plotlm3d(Sepal.Length,​ Sepal.Width,​ Petal.Length,​
 +                     ​model ​         = c('z ~ x + y', ​                           # to setosa
 +                                        'z ~ x + y + I(x^2) + I(y^2) + I(x*y)',​ # to versicolor
 +                                        'z ~ I(x^3) + I(y^3)'​), ​                # to virginica
 +                     ​groups ​        = Species,
 +                     ​model.by.group = T,
 +                     ​simple.axes ​   = F,
 +                     ​box ​           = F,
 +                     ​xlab ​          = '​SL',​
 +                     ​ylab ​          = '​SW',​
 +                     ​zlab ​          = '​PL',​
 +                     ​grid ​          = F,
 +                     ​sphere.factor ​ = 1))
 +# Example 5: Netter
 +x = c( 274,  180,  375,  205,   ​86, ​ 265,   ​98, ​ 330,  195,   53,
 +       ​430, ​ 372,  236,  157,  370)
 +y = c(2450, 3254, 3802, 2838, 2347, 3782, 3008, 2450, 2137, 2560,
 +      4020, 4427, 2660, 2088, 2605)
 +z = c( 162,  120,  223,  131,   ​67, ​ 169,   ​81, ​ 192,  116,   55,
 +       ​252, ​ 232,  144,  103,  212)
 +mreg  = lm(z ~ x + y)
 +ndata = data.frame(x = c(150, 274, 220, 370), y = c(4000, 2800, 3500, 3100))
 +zpred = predict(mreg,​ newdata = ndata, se.fit = F)
 +rgl.bringtotop(stay = T)
 +plotlm3d(x, y, z,
 +         ​surface = T,
 +         ​model ​  = 'z ~ x + y',
 +         ​xlab ​   = '​x',​
 +         ​ylab ​   = '​y',​
 +         ​zlab ​   = '​z'​)
 +spheres3d(x = c(150, 274, 220, 370), y = c(4000, 2800, 3500, 3100), zpred,
 +          col = '​red',​ radius = 60)

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