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Estilos de citação para "artigo:anaap1"


artigo:anaap1. (1970, Jan 1). In Wiki do LEG. Encontrado 14:43, September 20, 2024, de http://wiki.leg.ufpr.br/doku.php?id=artigo:anaap1&rev=0.


Anonymous Contributors. "artigo:anaap1". Wiki do LEG. 1 Jan. 1970. Web. 20 Sep. 2024, 14:43


Anonymous Contributors, 'artigo:anaap1', Wiki do LEG, 1 January 1970, 00:00 GMT, <http://wiki.leg.ufpr.br/doku.php?id=artigo:anaap1&rev=0> [Accessado 20 September 2024]


Anonymous Contributors, "artigo:anaap1", Wiki do LEG, http://wiki.leg.ufpr.br/doku.php?id=artigo:anaap1&rev=0 (Accessado September 20, 2024).


Anonymous Contributors. artigo:anaap1 [Internet]. Wiki do LEG; 1970 Jan 1, 00:00 GMT [Citado 2024 Sep 20]. Disponível em: http://wiki.leg.ufpr.br/doku.php?id=artigo:anaap1&rev=0.


artigo:anaap1, http://wiki.leg.ufpr.br/doku.php?id=artigo:anaap1&rev=0 (Visitado por último September 20, 2024).


Anonymous Contributors. artigo:anaap1. Wiki do LEG. January 1, 1970, 00:00 GMT. Disponível em: http://wiki.leg.ufpr.br/doku.php?id=artigo:anaap1&rev=0. Accessado September 20, 2024.


 @misc{ wiki:xxx,
   author = "Anonymous Contributors",
   title = "artigo:anaap1 --- Wiki do LEG",
   year = "1970",
   url = "http://wiki.leg.ufpr.br/doku.php?id=artigo:anaap1&rev=0",
   note = "[Online; accessed 20-September-2024]"

When using the LaTeX package 'url' (hint: search for '\usepackage{url}' somewhere in the preamble), which tends to give much more nicely formatted web addresses, the following may be preferred:

 @misc{ wiki:xxx,
   author = "Anonymous Contributors",
   title = "artigo:anaap1 --- Wiki do LEG",
   year = "1970",
   url = "\url{http://wiki.leg.ufpr.br/doku.php?id=artigo:anaap1&rev=0}",
   note = "[Online; accessed 20-September-2024]"

   author = "Anonymous Contributors",
   title = "artigo:anaap1 --- Wiki do LEG",
   year = "1970",
   url = "\url{http://wiki.leg.ufpr.br/doku.php?id=artigo:anaap1&rev=0}",
   note = "[Online; accessed 20-September-2024]"

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