Essa é uma revisão anterior do documento!
−Tabela de conteúdos
Setup and Linux Install
Here there are how to install from an "fresh" linux installation. Here we assume an Ubuntu (gutsy)
installation but and appropriate changes should be done for other Linux "flavors".
We will also assume you have root
access to the system, altough many instructions can also use sudo
Installing the R software
1. Add the R repository in the source.list
(alternativelly you may wish to use the synaptic tool).
1.1 Open the file:
$ sudo su - root$ vim /etc/apt/sources.list
1.2 Add the repository by including the following line to the source.list
deb gutsy/
1.3 Install the keys (Ubuntu specific)
root$ gpg --keyserver --recv-key E2A11821 root$ gpg -a --export E2A11821 | sudo apt-key add - root$ apt-get update
1.4 Install R
root$ apt-get install r-base r-base-core r-base-html r-base-latex r-doc-html r-doc-info r-doc-pdf r-recommended
Install other tools
root$ sudo apt-get install g++ libpq-dev gfortran xemacs21 ess lapack3 lapack3-dev refblas3 refblas3-dev
Get the tools to install aRT dependencies
This includes installing a MySQL
data base and compiling TerraLib
root$ wget root$ unzip root$ sudo ./ --add-system-variables
Neste ultimo passo uma série de programas do Ubuntu foram atualizados e/ou instalados. (Clicar em (S) qudo solicitado para instalar o programa). Em particular foi instalado o banco MySQL.
Nota: Na instalação é pedida a senha de "root" para o administrador do banco, que não é a mesma do sistema!
The last step takes a long time compiling Terralib
Ainda neste último passo, após a atualização dos programas do Ubuntu é automaticamente feita o download e compilação do TerraLib/TerraView (e isto demora MUITO!!!).
If terralib/terraView compiled well you will see on screen:
make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/usr/local/terralib/terraView/linux'
Then create a symbolic link to call the terraView application
root$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/terralib/aplicativos/terraView/linux/terraView /usr/bin
If you see the mesage:
./ 154: Syntax error: Bad substitution
Then add the enviroment variable manually by adding the folowwing lines to your /etc/bash.bashrc
TERRALIBDIR=/usr/local/terralib LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$TERRALIBDIR/terralibx/lib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
and load the environmental variables with: (new user sessions will load this automatically):
root$ source /etc/bash.bashrc
Installing R packages: aRT and sp
Start R:
root$ R
At the R prompt ( > )
type the following commands to install the packages sp
and aRT
. aRT
depends on sp
since uses the representation of spatial objects defined by this package.
> install.packages("sp", dep=T, repos="") > install.packages("aRT", contrib="")
Installing other R Spatial packages
You may wish to install other Spatial packages from the R-PROJECT. Required packages can be installed individually or the entire CRAN SPATIAL Task View can be installed as follows from the R prompt.
> install.packages("ctv", dep=T, repos="") > require(ctv) > install.views("Spatial") ## takes a loooooog time
Quit R with:
> q(save=T)
MySQL setup
Start the BDMS with root
(DBMS root, not system root!!!) permissions from the linux prompt with:
root$ mysql -u root -p
You will be prompt for the DBMS root password. After typing it in you will the the mysql prompt (mysql >)
. To grant full privileges to a MySQL user (aluno
in the example below) type:
mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to aluno@localhost ; mysql> quit
Other user and permissions can be set. However we will use aRT tools to do this!!! Even the above instructions could be se from aRT (using the aRT function addPermissions()
) if the DBMS root pasword is available.
Testing the installation
To check whethr the installation above is working well go to a "normal user" account in your linux system (here we use "aluno") start R
aluno$ R
Loading the aRT package,
> require(aRT)
you will see to following in the R screen:
Carregando pacotes exigidos: aRT Carregando pacotes exigidos: sp --------------------------------------------- R-TERRALIB API aRT version 1.4-2 (2007-12-07) is now loaded ---------------------------------------------
Now try to connect the DBMS:
> con <- openConn() > con Object of class aRTconn DBMS: "MySQL" User: "aluno" Password: "" Port: 3306 Host: ""
If this works then great!! You are ready to use aRT. You can experiment woth several example scripts at the aRT web page and/or chack the aRT vignettes (also avaiable at the aRT page). To list the aRT vignettes shiped with aRT type:
> vignette(package="aRT")
Vignettes in package 'aRT': aRTconn Connecting and Managing Databases with aRT (source, pdf) aRTintro aRT: R-TerraLib API (source, pdf) aRTsp Working with sp and aRT (source, pdf) aRTtable Tables and Queries With aRT (source, pdf)