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 ====== Setup and Linux Install ====== ====== Setup and Linux Install ======
 +Here there are how to install from an "​fresh"​ linux installation. Here we assume an ''​Ubuntu (gutsy)''​ installation but and appropriate changes should be done for other Linux "​flavors"​.
 +We will also assume you have ''​root''​ access to the system, altough many instructions can also use ''​sudo''​
 +==== Installing the R software ====
 +1. Add the R repository in the ''​source.list''​ (alternativelly you may wish to use the synaptic tool).\\
 +1.1 Open the file:\\
   $ sudo su -   $ sudo su -
   root$ vim /​etc/​apt/​sources.list   root$ vim /​etc/​apt/​sources.list
-Adicione no arquivo sources.list a linha do repositório do R: +1.2 Add the repository by including the following line to the ''​source.list''​ file\\ 
-  +  deb http://​cran.r-project.org/​bin/​linux/​ubuntu gutsy/ ​
- deb http://​cran.r-project.org/​bin/​linux/​ubuntu gutsy/+
-Agora instale as chaves do repositório do R para o Ubuntu+1.3 Install the keys (Ubuntu ​specific)\\
   root$ gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-key E2A11821   root$ gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-key E2A11821
   root$ gpg -a --export E2A11821 | sudo apt-key add -   root$ gpg -a --export E2A11821 | sudo apt-key add -
   root$ apt-get update   root$ apt-get update
-Neste pondo pode-se voltar ao usuario com permissoes de sudo+1.4 Install R 
 +  root$ apt-get install r-base r-base-core r-base-html r-base-latex r-doc-html r-doc-info r-doc-pdf r-recommended
-  ​$ sudo apt-get install g++ libpq-dev +==== Install other tools ==== 
-  $ sudo apt-get install r-base r-base-core r-base-html r-base-latex r-doc-html r-doc-info r-doc-pdf r-recommended +  root$ sudo apt-get install g++ libpq-dev ​gfortran xemacs21 ess lapack3 ​ lapack3-dev refblas3 refblas3-dev
-  $ wget http://​www.leg.ufpr.br/​aRT/​install-aRT-dep.zip +
-  $ unzip install-aRT-dep.zip +
-  $ sudo ./​install-aRT-dep.sh --add-system-variables+
-Este ultimo passo deve demorar bastante!+==== Get the tools to install aRT dependencies ====  
 +This includes installing a ''​MySQL''​ data base and compiling ''​TerraLib''​\\ 
 +  root$ wget http://​www.leg.ufpr.br/​aRT/​install-aRT-dep.zip 
 +  root$ unzip install-aRT-dep.zip 
 +  root$ sudo ./​install-aRT-dep.sh --add-system-variables
-Neste ultimo passo uma série de programas do Ubuntu foram atualizados e/ou instalados. (Clicar em (S) qudo solicitadopara ​instalar o programa). Em particular foi instalado o banco MySQL. Na instalação ​foi pedida a senha de "​root"​ para o administrador do banco. MySQL que defini como sendo '​aluno'​+Neste ultimo passo uma série de programas do Ubuntu foram atualizados e/ou instalados. (Clicar em (S) qudo solicitado para instalar o programa). Em particular foi instalado o banco MySQL. ​\\ 
 +**Nota:​** ​Na instalação ​é pedida a senha de "​root"​ para o administrador do bancoque não é a mesma do sistema!
-Ainda neste último passo, após a atualização dos programas do Ubuntu é automaticamente feita o download e compilação do TerraLib/​TerraView (e isto demora MUITO!!!)+The last step takes a long time compiling ''​Terralib''​. 
 +Ainda neste último passo, após a atualização dos programas do Ubuntu é automaticamente feita o download e compilação do TerraLib/​TerraView (e isto demora MUITO!!!).
-A seguir faça crie o link simbólico+If **terralib/​terraView** compiled well you will see on screen:\\ 
 +  make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/​usr/​local/​terralib/​terraView/​linux'​
-  ​$ sudo ln -s /​usr/​local/​terralib/​aplicativos/​terraView/​linux/​terraView /usr/bin +Then create a symbolic link to call the **terraView** application\\ 
-  $ source /​etc/​bash.bashrc+  root$ sudo ln -s /​usr/​local/​terralib/​aplicativos/​terraView/​linux/​terraView /usr/bin
-Inicie o R como sudo i instale pacotes necessários+If you see the mesage:\\ 
 +  ./​install-aRT-dep.sh:​ 154: Syntax error: Bad substitution
-  ​sudo R+Then add the enviroment variable manually by adding the folowwing lines to your ''/​etc/​bash.bashrc''​ file:\\ 
 +  TERRALIBDIR=/​usr/​local/​terralib 
 +  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$TERRALIBDIR/​terralibx/​lib 
 +  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
-Na linha de comando do R digite:+and load the environmental variables with: (new user sessions will load this automatically): 
 +  root$ source /​etc/​bash.bashrc
 +==== Installing R packages: aRT and sp ====
 +Start R:\\
 +  root$ R
 +At the R prompt ''​( > )''​ type the following commands to install the packages ''​sp''​ and ''​aRT''​. ''​aRT''​ depends on ''​sp''​ since uses the representation of spatial objects defined by this package. \\
   > install.packages("​sp",​ dep=T, repos="​http://​cran.fiocruz.br/"​)   > install.packages("​sp",​ dep=T, repos="​http://​cran.fiocruz.br/"​)
   > install.packages("​aRT",​ contrib="​http://​www.leg.ufpr.br/​aRT"​)   > install.packages("​aRT",​ contrib="​http://​www.leg.ufpr.br/​aRT"​)
-E faça tb (ainda no R) +==== Installing other Spatial packages ==== 
 +You may wish to install other **Spatial** packages from the R-PROJECT. Required packages can be installed individually or the entire //CRAN SPATIAL Task View// can be installed as follows from the R prompt.\\
   > install.packages("​ctv",​ dep=T, repos="​http://​cran.fiocruz.br/"​)   > install.packages("​ctv",​ dep=T, repos="​http://​cran.fiocruz.br/"​)
   > require(ctv)   > require(ctv)
-  > install.views("​Spatial"​) ​ ## bastante demorado!!+  > install.views("​Spatial"​) ​ ## takes a loooooog time 
 +Quit R with: 
 +  > q(save=T) 
 +==== MySQL setup === 
 +Start the BDMS with ''​root''​ (DBMS root, not system root!!!) permissions from the linux prompt with:\\ 
 +  root$ mysql -u root -p 
 +You will be prompt for the DBMS root password. After typing it in you will the the mysql prompt ''​(mysql >​)''​. To grant full privileges to a MySQL user (''​aluno''​ in the example below) type:\\ 
 +  mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to aluno@localhost ; 
 +  mysql> quit 
 +Other user and permissions can be set. However we will use **aRT** tools to do this!!! Even the above instructions could be se from **aRT** (using the aRT function ''​addPermission()''​) if the DBMS root pasword is available. 
 +==== Testing the installation ==== 
 +To check whethr the installation above is working well go to a "​normal user" account in your linux system (here we use "​aluno"​) start R\\ 
 +  aluno$ R 
 +Loading the aRT package,  
 +  > require(aRT) 
 +you will see to following in the R screen:\\ 
 +  Carregando pacotes exigidos: aRT 
 +  Carregando pacotes exigidos: sp 
 +  --------------------------------------------- 
 +  aRT version 1.4-2 (2007-12-07) is now loaded 
 +  ---------------------------------------------
 +Now try to connect the DBMS: \\
 +  > con <- openConn()
 +  > con
 +  Object of class aRTconn
 +  ​
 +  DBMS: "​MySQL"​
 +  User: "​aluno"​
 +  Password: ""​
 +  Port: 3306
 +  Host: ""​
 +If this works then **great**!! You are ready to use aRT. You can experiment woth several example scripts at the [[http://​www.leg.ufpr.br/​aRT|aRT web page]] and/or chack the aRT vignettes (also avaiable at the aRT page). To list the aRT  vignettes shiped with aRT type:\\
 +  > vignette(package="​aRT"​)
 +  Vignettes in package '​aRT':​
 +  aRTconn ​                ​Connecting and Managing Databases with aRT (source, pdf)
 +  aRTintro ​               aRT: R-TerraLib API (source, pdf)
 +  aRTsp                   ​Working with sp and aRT (source, pdf)
 +  aRTtable ​               Tables and Queries With aRT (source, pdf)

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