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software:art:driver_sqlite [2007/03/15 12:59]
software:art:driver_sqlite [2007/04/19 08:39] (atual)
Linha 1: Linha 1:
 ====== Discussion - Driver SQLite ====== ====== Discussion - Driver SQLite ======
 Currently we're compiling some talks a [[http://​www.sqlite.org/​|SQLite]] driver development. There is available below an archieve of past talks and, after that, there is a discussion section for further conversations within this topic. Currently we're compiling some talks a [[http://​www.sqlite.org/​|SQLite]] driver development. There is available below an archieve of past talks and, after that, there is a discussion section for further conversations within this topic.
 +[[novo_topico:​pedro_pj_bruno|Pedro,​ PJ, Bruno]] <​!-- ​ -->
 +[[novo_topico:​contato_em_natal|Contato em Natal]]
 {{threads>​novo_topico}} {{threads>​novo_topico}}
-[[art:​blog_sqlite|Here]] is a blog sample. This may seem pointless and out of place, but we first tried to compile this conversations in a blog, so we currently let it be here just as a sample of the blog format. 
  --- //​[[bsoliveira@leg.ufpr.br|Bruno Silva de Oliveira]] 2007/03/15 09:08//  --- //​[[bsoliveira@leg.ufpr.br|Bruno Silva de Oliveira]] 2007/03/15 09:08//
 + --\\
 +[[art:​blog_sqlite|Here]] is a BLOG sample. This may seem pointless and out of place, but we first tried to compile these conversations as a BLOG, so we currently let it be here just as a sample of the format used by the //blog// plugin.

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