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publications:papercompanions:zeviani-jas2014 [2014/04/28 16:49]
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publications:papercompanions:zeviani-jas2014 [2014/06/13 17:51] (atual)
Linha 2: Linha 2:
 ===== Reference ===== ===== Reference =====
 +  * Status: [[http://​www.tandfonline.com/​doi/​full/​10.1080/​02664763.2014.922168|Available online]]
 <​bibtex>​ <​bibtex>​
Linha 12: Linha 14:
      pages = {},      pages = {},
      year = {2014},      year = {2014},
 +     url = {http://​www.tandfonline.com/​doi/​full/​10.1080/​02664763.2014.922168},​
 +     doi = {10.1080/​02664763.2014.922168},​
 } }
 </​bibtex>​ </​bibtex>​
-(accepted, to appear) 
-===== Data-set =====+===== Data-set ​and R code for analysis ​=====
-===== (R) Code for analysis =====+  * paper in the JAS website [[http://​www.tandfonline.com/​doi/​full/​10.1080/​02664763.2014.922168|Available online]] 
 +  * Source code in [[http://​www.leg.ufpr.br/​~walmes/​papercompanions/​gammacount2014/​papercomp.html|html web page]] ​(with results and figures); 
 +  * Go to [[http://​www.leg.ufpr.br/​~walmes/​papercompanions/​gammacount2014/​PaperCompanium.R|R raw source file]] (the date is inside the script).
 +{{url>​http://​www.leg.ufpr.br/​~walmes/​papercompanions/​gammacount2014/​papercomp.html 800px, 600px, center}}

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