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projetos:ehlers:mcmc [2007/03/06 13:57]
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projetos:ehlers:mcmc [2007/09/07 11:18] (atual)
Linha 5: Linha 5:
 We are specially interested in the development of reversible jump MCMC methodology which provides a very powerful suite of tools for tackling model discrimination problems. Work in this area ranges from analysing the mathematical properties of these algorithms in terms of their ability to rapidly explore a vast array of high dimensional probability surfaces, to more practical implementational problems such as the developing tools to check that the algorithms have performed well. We are specially interested in the development of reversible jump MCMC methodology which provides a very powerful suite of tools for tackling model discrimination problems. Work in this area ranges from analysing the mathematical properties of these algorithms in terms of their ability to rapidly explore a vast array of high dimensional probability surfaces, to more practical implementational problems such as the developing tools to check that the algorithms have performed well.
-=== Participantes ​=== +=== Participants ​=== 
-  - [[pessoais:​ehlers|Ricardo ​Sandes ​Ehlers]], UFPR+  - [[pessoais:​ehlers|Ricardo Ehlers]], ​LEG/UFPR
   - [[http://​www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/​~steve|Steve Brooks]], University of Cambridge   - [[http://​www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/​~steve|Steve Brooks]], University of Cambridge
-  - [[pessoais:​lledo|Luiz Ledo Mota Melo Jr]], UFRJ+  - [[pessoais:​lledo|Luiz Ledo]], UFRJ

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