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artigos:ernesto3:sim [2008/09/26 08:11]
artigos:ernesto3:sim [2008/10/13 13:00] (atual)
Linha 1: Linha 1:
 ======Simulation study ====== ======Simulation study ======
-===== Test beta bias =====+===== Algorithm ​=====
 <code R> <code R>
-gs <- expand.grid((0:10)/10, (0:10)/10) +#################################################################################################​ 
-niter <- 100 +
-arr <- array(NAdim=c(niter, 2, 2), dimnames=list(niter=1:niter, stat=c("​beta","​beta.var"), dep=c(1,​0)))+# PAPER COMPANION: SIMULATION STUDY 
 +#​ Authors:​ Ernesto Jardim ​<ernesto@ipimar.pt>  
 +# Paulo Ribeiro Jr. <​paulojus@ufpr.br>​ 
 +# Date20081013 
 +# Objective Test paper methodology against design-based estimators regarding 
 +# association between age compositions and the age aggregated abundance. 
 +# Tree options are simulated: ​(i) no association, (iiweek association 
 +# (iii) strong association. 
 +# Note: The association is induced by considering correlated multivariate gaussian  
 +#​ processes as the basis for building the age aggregated abundance and age  
 +#​ compositions 
-gau+R libraries 
 +# grid 
 +gs <- expand.grid((0:​40)/​40,​ (0:​40)/​40) 
 +# size of processes 
 +n <- nrow(gs) 
 +# number of replicates 
 +nsim <- 250 
 +# STEP 1 : gaussian processes to build abundance and compositions 
 +# object 
 +arr0 <- array(NA, dim=c(n,​7,​nsim),​ dimnames=list(loc=1:​n,​ age=c("​all","​1i","​2i","​1w","​2w","​1s","​2s"​),​ nsim=1:​nsim)) 
 +# variance-covariance matrix 
 +s2 <- 0.5 
 +Sig <- diag(c(1,​1,​1,​1,​1,​1,​1)) 
 +Sig[1,4] <- 0.45; Sig[4,1] <- 0.45; Sig[1,6] <- 0.9; Sig[6,1] <- 0.9; Sig[6,4] <- 0.5; Sig[4,6] <- 0.5 
 +Sig <- Sig*s2 
 +# simulation
 set.seed(111) set.seed(111)
-gd <- grf(grid=gs, cov.pars=c(1,0.2), mean=2, nsim=niter)+for(i in 1:nsim){ 
 + arr0[,,​i] ​<- mvrnorm(nrow(gs), c(1,0,​0,​0,​0,​0,​0),​ Sig) 
 +# STEP 2: generate 250 replicates of a log-gaussian spatial process (Diggle and Ribeiro Jr, 2007) 
 +#         ​with ​ mu=1phi=0.2, sigma2=0.5, tau2=0.5 
-for(i in 1:niter){ +# Generate a spatial Gaussian process Z 
-cat(i+phi <- 0.2 
- ggdd <- gd +sigmasq <- 0.5 
- ggdd$data <- gd$data[,i+set.seed(222
- lf <- likfit(ggddini.cov.pars=c(1,0.2), messages=FALSE+Z <- grf(grid=gs, cov.pars=c(sigmasq,​ phi), nsim=nsim) 
- arr[i,,1] <- c(lf$betalf$beta.var)+# build a log gausian process Y 
 +Ysim <- Z 
 +Ysim$data <- exp(Z$data+arr0[,1,]) 
 +# Y characteristics 
 +Ysim.lmean ​<- apply(log(Ysim$data)2, mean) 
 +Ysim.lvar <- apply(log(Ysim$data),​ 2, var) 
 +Ysim.lnhat <- exp(Ysim.lmean+Ysim.lvar/​2) 
 +# STEP 3: build compositions 
 +# objects 
 +arr00 <- array(1, dim=c(n,3,nsim), dimnames=list(loc=1:nage=1:3, nsim=1:nsim)
 +Psim <- array(NAdim=c(n,​3,​nsim,​3),​ dimnames=list(loc=1:​n,​ age=1:3, nsim=1:​nsim,​ mucor=c("​indep",​ "​dep045","​dep090"​))
 +# option 1: no association between compositions and age aggregated abundance 
 +arr00[,1:2,] <- exp(arr0[,​2:​3,​]) 
 +Psim[,,,1] <- aperm(apply(arr00,​c(1,3),​function(x) x/​sum(x)),​c(2,​1,​3)) 
 +# option 2: week association between compositions and age aggregated abundance 
 +arr00[,​1:​2,​] <- exp(arr0[,​4:​5,​]) 
 +Psim[,,,2] <- aperm(apply(arr00,​c(1,​3),​function(x) x/​sum(x)),​c(2,​1,​3)) 
 +# option 3: strong association between compositions and age aggregated abundance 
 +arr00[,​1:​2,​] <- exp(arr0[,​6:​7,​]) 
 +Psim[,,,3] <- aperm(apply(arr00,​c(1,​3),​function(x) x/​sum(x)),​c(2,​1,​3)) 
 +# P characteristics 
 +# STEP 4: build abundance at age  
 +# objects 
 +Isim.ln <- array(NA, dim=c(n,​3,​nsim,​3), dimnames=list(loc=1:​n,​ age=1:3, nsim=1:​nsim,​ mucor=c("​indep",​ "​dep045","​dep090"​))) 
 +# sim 
 +for(i in 1:3){ 
 + for(j in 1:3){ 
 + Isim.ln[,​i,,​j] <- Psim[,​i,,​j]*Ysim$data 
 + }
 } }
 +# I characteristics
 +Isim.lnmean <- apply(log(Isim.ln),​ c(2,3,4), mean)
 +Isim.lnvar <- apply(log(Isim.ln),​ c(2,3,4), var)
 +Isim.lnhat <- exp(Isim.lnmean+Isim.lnvar/​2)
-gau independente +#============================================================================================== 
-set.seed(111) +# ESTIMATION 
-gd <- grf(grid=gs, cov.pars=c(0,0), mean=2, nsim=niter, nugget=1)+#============================================================================================== 
 +# number of samples to be drawn from each of the 250 replicate 
 +ns <- 2
-for(in 1:niter){ +#​---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-cat(i) +# STEP 5: estimation with methodology proposed by the paper 
- ggdd <- gd +#​---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
- ggdd$data ​<- gd$data[,i+ 
- lf <- likfit(ggdd, ini.cov.pars=c(0.5,0.5), messages=F+# objects 
- arr[i,,​2] ​<- c(lf$betalf$beta.var)+Yres <- array(NA, dim=c(ns,​4,​nsim),​ dimnames=list(samp=1:​ns,​ stat=c("​Ybar",​ "​Ybarvar",​ "​Yhat",​ "​Yhatvar"​),​ nsim=1:​nsim)) 
 +Ihat <- array(NA, dim=c(ns,​3,​nsim,​3),​ dimnames=list(samp=1:​ns,​ age=1:3, nsim=1:​nsim,​ mucor=c("​indep",​ "​dep045","​dep090"​))) 
 +xd <- expand.grid(dimnames(Ihat)[-c(1,​2)]) 
 +# estimation 
 +for(in 1:ns){ 
 +cat("​\n",​j ,":",​ date(),"​-",​ sep=""​) 
 + samp <- sample(1:n, 100) 
 + for(i in 1:nrow(xd)){ 
 + <- xd[i,] 
 + cat("​.",​ sep=""​) 
 + # building the sample 
 + Isamp ​<- Isim.ln[samp,,x[[1]],x[[2]]] 
 + locsamp <- gs[samp,] 
 + Ysamp <- apply(Isamp,​1,​sum) 
 + # estimation of age aggregated abundance 
 + lf <- likfit(as.geodata(cbind(locsamp,​ Ysamp)), lambda=0, ini.cov.pars=c(1,0.2), messages=FALSE
 + Yhat <- exp(lf$beta+lf$tausq/​2+lf$sigmasq/​2) 
 + Yhatvar <- exp(2*lf$beta+lf$tausq+lf$sigmasq)*(exp(lf$tausq+lf$sigmasq)-1) 
 + Yres[j,​c("​Yhat",​ "​Yhatvar"​),​x[[1]]] <- c(Yhat, Yhatvar)  
 + # estimation of abundance-at-age 
 + prop <- acomp(Isamp) 
 + Ihat[j,,​x[[1]],​x[[2]]] <- Yhat*c(mean(prop)) 
 + }
 } }
-pdf("​betabias.pdf"​) +#​---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-par(mfrow=c(2,​2)) +# STEP 6: estimation with design-based estimators 
-hist(arr[,​1,​1],​ main="​beta for mu=2 s2=1 phi=0.2 t2=0"​) +#​----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-hist(arr[,​1,​2],​ main="​beta for mu=2 s2=0 phi=0 t2=1"​) +
-hist(arr[,​2,​1],​ main="​beta.var"​) +
-hist(arr[,​2,​2],​ main="​beta.var"​) +
-dev.off() +
-<note> +# objects 
-O problema está na variância do beta que não é um estimador da variância do processoLogo quando fazemos a backtrans há uma subestimação da média do processo+Ibar <- array(NA, dim=c(ns,​3,​nsim,​3),​ dimnames=list(samp=1:​ns,​ page=1:3, nsim=1:​nsim,​ mucor=c("​indep",​ "​dep045","​dep090"​))) 
-</note>+# estimation 
 +for(j in 1:ns){ 
 +cat("​\n",​j ,":",​ date(),"​-",​ sep=""​) 
 + samp <- sample(1:n, 100) 
 + for(i in 1:​nrow(xd)){ 
 + x <- xd[i,] 
 + cat("​.", sep=""​) 
 + # building the sample 
 + Isamp ​<- Isim.ln[samp,,​x[[1]],​x[[2]]] 
 + Ysamp <- apply(Isamp,​1,​sum) 
 + # store means 
 + Yres[j,​c("​Ybar",​ "​Ybarvar"​),​x[[1]]] <- c(mean(Ysamp),​ var(Ysamp))  
 + # estimation of abundance-at-age 
 + Ibar[j,,​x[[1]],​x[[2]]] <- apply(Isamp,​2,​mean) 
 +# STEP 7: summary statistics
 +# objects
 +sim.res <- array(NA, dim=c(nsim,​3,​3,​2,​3),​ dimnames=list(iter=1:​nsim,​ age=1:3, mucor=c("​indep",​ "​dep045","​dep090"​),​ meth=c("​geo","​samp"​),​ stats=c("​bias",​ "​mse",​ "​ICcov"​)))
 +# computation
 +for(i in 1:nsim){
 + lmusim <- Isim.lnhat[,​i,​]
 + # geo 
 + m <- Ihat[,,i,]
 + q025 <- apply(m,​c(2,​3),​ quantile, probs=0.025,​ na.rm=T)
 + q975 <- apply(m,​c(2,​3),​ quantile, probs=0.975,​ na.rm=T)
 + sim.res[i,,,"​geo","​ICcov"​] <- q025<​=lmusim & q975>​=lmusim
 + for(j in 1:ns){
 + m[j,,] <- m[j,,​]-lmusim ​
 + }
 + sim.res[i,,,"​geo","​bias"​] <- apply(m, c(2,3), mean)
 + sim.res[i,,,"​geo","​mse"​] <- apply(m, c(2,3), var)
 + # samp
 + m <- Ibar[,,i,]
 + q025 <- apply(m,​c(2,​3),​ quantile, probs=0.025,​ na.rm=T)
 + q975 <- apply(m,​c(2,​3),​ quantile, probs=0.975,​ na.rm=T)
 + sim.res[i,,,"​samp","​ICcov"​] <- q025<​=lmusim & q975>​=lmusim
 + for(j in 1:ns){
 + m[j,,] <- m[j,,​]-lmusim ​
 + }
 + sim.res[i,,,"​samp","​bias"​] <- apply(m, c(2,3), mean)
 + sim.res[i,,,"​samp","​mse"​] <- apply(m, c(2,3), var)
 +# table
 +tab.res <-  apply(sim.res,​ c(2,3,4,5), mean)
 +# THE END (or the beginning ...) 
 +===== Results =====

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